Running The Race Of Faith.

Heb 12:1 “ Therefore we also since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us”.

The heroes of faith are not spectators watching us from heaven, rather their lives are witnesses to us, having successfully overcome.

The Christian life is often likened to a race (1 Cor 9:24, 2 Tim 4:7). We are to lay aside anything that hinders our progress, particularly every form of sin.

According to Heb 12 :2, the runner must not look to other contestants, but must ever keep his eyes fixed on Jesus.

God expects that we constantly renew our spiritual vitality so as not to be like Esau, who forfeited permanent blessings for immediate passing fleshly gratification.

In Heb 12:6, the bible called Esau a profane person. It is important as believers that we do not get carried away with the things of the world and that we let our priorities lie in God. This way, we would be more in tune with our spiritual side. Not giving room to a profane mind that allows deception to sneak in.

A profane person cannot be sensitive to God or the needs of people. He cannot discern, hence he gives easy access to the enemy to deceive him into selling his most valuable – his worship, praise and service to God. He is like Esau who sold his birth right.

Beloved, God requires that we are constantly in His presence and that we make this priority in our lives, regardless of our busy life styles. This renews our spiritual vitality and helps us to be fruitful on all sides.

Please add to this blog by sharing your experience or ideas on running the race of faith and renewing your spiritual vitality.

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4 thoughts on “Running The Race Of Faith.

  1. laying asides weights entails us to be naked;vulnerable;honest which is contrary to the inate nature of man. Yet you can not partake of God divine nature without laying aside the weights . The more you as an individual acknowledge your inadequacies before him the more of his persona becomes revealed in you.Its a taboo to discuss issues of this nature in churches because it acts as a reminder to all especially those who believe and behave that they are more qualify than others to obtain the promise without running the race hence there iare no more Worship/Power/Miracle in the Church.Eyes without seeing ; Ears without hearing what the spirit is saying is now the norm in our gathering. Profanity exists where there is no communion with the essence of worship which is only through the spirit in man. Believer now Conform instead of Standing out mainly because we dont want to rock the boat but desire acceptance by Man.
    I dare to tesitify of dimensions and depth in of God that becomes manifested for the race ahead when we lay aside every weight and enter into communion of the spirit . It is so glorious and joyous to experience the essence of God when you are naked and not ashamed in His Presence-I am a Blessing and a Testifier

  2. I looked back into my life and discovered the key revelations i have received from God were given in the place of worship. When i am more in tune and worshipping Him through the day, He communes with me more. God indeed enjoys our presence and wants us to always desire to be in His presence.

    • Worship is to lay bare before the I AM, to worship is to commune; to reference ;it is often in the place of pure worship that all becomes revealed; made clear and details/instructions are given ; gifts are impacted and enhanced.
      To worship is to enter into the inner court naked and not ashamed. You cant worship if you dont have a relationship and you cant have a relationship with Yaweh without acknowledging His soverency and this only become manifested by execising your faith through childlike belief. Cant describe what comes over me when i worship , the experience is indescribable. I cant get enough of being in his presence, it is highly addictive. The more you are in his presence the more you want to always remain there hence you can not worship in the flesh but thru the spirit. Every life struggles fade away as you worship , you dont know God if you have not pour forth your everyday life as worship . I dare you to enter into the inner court thru living your life as an altar of worship wherein God’s presence dwell always.

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