Preparing For The New Year With A Thankful Heart.

Challenges, Oppression, trials in life are tools from the enemy to make us lose focus on the main reason for our existence.

Do you like me sometimes wonder why the armour bearers, pace setters are the ones faced with the most distabilising attacks?Attacks on marriages, finances, ministry etc being thrown by the enemy all in an attempt to make us lose focus.

As we approach the end of the year, we are alive to count our blessings despite all arrows thrown at us. For this, we should be thankful because He has provided a way of escape (1 Cor 10:13).

He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the son of His love (Col 1:13). In this kingdom, we are in a place of “completeness” that is of spiritual adequacy, authority or ability to live victoriously over and above the invisible power of darkness.

So as we approach the new year as citizens of the heavenly kingdom (phil 3:20), let us not lose focus on our enabling power to go and: Preach good tidings to the poor, proclaim liberty to the captives, open prison doors to those  who are bound, comfort all who mourn (Isaiah 61:1-3).

He is the Lord that crowns the year with goodness and He will do it in your life as we approach the end of the year (Ps 65:11).

I am thankful for you.

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