Working the works of God.

The ministry that Jesus passed on to the church is the great commission (Matt 28:16-20).

Isa 61:1-3 explains the great commission, the basic ministry that Jesus passed on to the church.

Acts1:8 talks about how to accomplish this great commission. ‘And you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you…..’Power to accomplish the great commission, to make disciples of all nations and to do as Isa 61:1-3 says.

Simon was a believer according to Acts 8:13 but he wanted the power of God for the wrong reasons. His heart was not right with God. He was full of bitterness and iniquity (Acts 8:18-23).

We cannot bribe God for his power; we must be willing to pay the price.

Paying the price involves:

  1. Living a life of holiness. ‘Without holiness no man can see God’.
  2. Prayer and fasting-births signs and wonders. Acts 13:1-28.
  3. Studying and meditating on the word of God. Josh 1;8, Heb 4:12
  4. Praying in the Holy Ghost and being filled with the spirit. Heb 5:18.
  5. Ask-be steadfast in asking for a miracle and opportunity to be used by God. Acts 4:30.
  6. Worship and praise.
  7. Bold faith e.g Peter walking on water. The slave girl in 2 Kings 5:3.
  8. Obedience and surrender to the Holy Spirit. Gal 5:18.

This list is inexhaustible. Please feel free to add on to this blog.

What does paying the price to work the works of God involve?



