Walking In The Steps Of Faith.

‘That he might be the father of all those who believe, though they are uncircumcised, that righteousness might be imputed to them also, and the father of circumcision to those who not only are of the circumcision, but who also walk in the steps of the faith which our father Abraham had while still uncircumcised’. (Rom 4:11b-12)

Paul looked at the great father of our faith Abraham and he proved from scriptures that he was not justified by works but by faith (Gen 15:5-6)

God had promised Abraham that he would be a father of multitude of nations. Not just Israel but everyone who had faith in Abrahams seed (The Lord Jesus).
As a result, we don’t have to be circumcised we are descendants of Abraham by faith.

Abraham was made father of 2 separate groups of people
(a) The father of the circumcised (b)The father of all those who also follow in the steps of the faith of Abraham that he had whilst he was uncircumcised.
The essential condition is faith. God reached humans in two different ways:
On the basis of the faith that caused them to be circumcised (circumcision is the expression of their faith) and the basis of faith in Jesus.
This faith does not depend on some external ordinances.

Righteousness was credited to Abraham’s faith. Does that mean that he did not make mistakes? No
Abraham’s mistakes
Gen16 Abraham took the initiative out of God’s hands when he married Sarah’s maid at her advice.
In the life of faith God takes the initiative.
Gen20- he told a lie about Sarah.

God did not approve of these two aspects of Abrahams conduct but righteousness was reckoned to him by his faith.
As long as we continue to believe, our righteousness will still be reckoned to us by our faith.
In Luke 22:31-32 Jesus prayed that Peter’s faith will not fail despite all the tests that he would go through.

Tip: In spite of tremendous test, don’t give up your faith – continue believing.

Abraham became more than just a figure he became a pattern. To be truly his descendants we have to walk in his steps of faith as the bible commands in Rom4:12

Let’s look at these steps:

The steps of the faith of Abraham (pattern of Abraham’s faith)
1. Abraham accepted Gods promise by faith alone without evidence. He believed in hope even when there was no hope.
God called Abraham a father of nations.
When God calls something a thing that’s what it is.
God’s calling comes before the physical reality. It is by faith.

2. He recognised that he was incapable of producing the promised result.

3. He focussed without waving on the promise and this was reckoned to him as righteousness.

As a result him and Sarah both received supernatural life in their bodies. The promise was fulfilled and God was glorified. (Rom. 4:20)

Grace begins where human ability ends. God moves us beyond our own ability into the realm of grace by faith. Hebrew 10:38 The just shall live by faith.

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