10 Practical Steps For Soul Winning.

Acts 1:8 ” But you shall receive power when the Holy spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth”.

The Holy spirit is the person and the power by which assistance and ability are given for serving, for sharing of life and power of God’s kingdom with others.

He will give:
-Power to find the lost
-Authority to boldly declare Jesus as the son of God
-Power to establish His church locally and worldwide.

I’ll like to share 10 practical steps that I believe would help you to win souls for the kingdom of God.

1. Have a daily expectation to win a soul. (Prov 23:18, Prov 10:24, Acts 4:33)
2. Target a soul in your day to day area or walk. (The Holy spirit gives power to find the lost).
3. Pray daily for the targeted soul, for oher oppourtunities to win souls and for utterance. (Eph 1:17-29, Acts 4:29-31)
4. Look for a convenient atmosphere. (The Holy spirit will help in your discernment).
5. Be practical in your approach. Don’t quote too many scriptures or use christian terms that they may be unfamiliar with.
6.Be a good listener. Allow them to talk about their concerns and interests.
7. Start conversation from their area of interests or concern. They are more likely to listen.
8. Don’t judge or condemn them. Demonstrate the love of God in your speech and actions.
9. Share similar experiences you’ve had and how you overcame.
10. Focus on sharing the love of Christ, the warmth and eternal security found through Him.

This list is not exhaustive. Please feel free to ‘add on’ to bless others who would visit this page.
