Fruitful growth in the faith

2 Peter 1 : 5-9. God has given us great and precious promises. These promises include the Lord’s second coming, the establishment of a new heaven and earth and the entrance into Christ’s kingdom  (2 Peter 1:11). By knowing and receiving these promises, we will become partakers of His divine nature.

God expects us to be like Him in every way. The bible comands that we give all diligence to be like Christ, to develop spiritual character within ourselves.

Peter encourages us to give all diligence (all your careful attention, perseverance and unrelenting hard work). This involves personal responsibility on our part.

Here are the ingredients that Peter the apostle advised us to add to our faith in 2 peter 1: 5-9

1. Virtue – Moral excellency and goodness, inner strength.

2. Knowledge – keep your knowledge of the word sharp.

3. Self Control – The soul always wants to act independently from God, so you must develop self control (temperance).

4. Perseverance – The spirit man operates on the timing of eternity, not on the soul’s time limit.

5. Godliness- Godliness means think like Him, act like Him and operate like Him on the earth.

6. Brotherly kindness – Brotherly kindness dissolves personal infighting and ungracious ignoring of one another. It allows refocusing on our real enemy – Satan.

7. Love – Unconditional Love.

The result of developing these Godly character is that we are not barren or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Also that our discernment is not dim or disturbed but very sharp ( 2 Pet 1:9)

We would also escape the corruption that is in the world though lust (2 Peter 1:4)

There are many more ingredients of fruitful growth in the bible. Please share your thoughts, revelations and experiences with us on this blog by adding your comment NOW!

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